Photo clutter? lets declutter

Disorganized photosAre your photos cluttered and a BIG mess?

Are your photos in albums taking over all your storage space, do you have boxes packed in closets, or old albums that stack high? I know the feeling. As a photographer, photos are so important to me. I do not want to get rid of my photos…but what on earth do I do with them. I’m here to help you.

In losing several in my family, I realized how important my photos are but also the reality of what on earth do I do and where do I store them. My family had about 20 photo albums…that is in addition to the photo albums I already own. What on earth do you do with all your photo albums. I believe it’s important to keep hard copies of photos (YES, I did say that)…but it’s also important to make sense of your photos and to have a way to be able to view them, enjoy them, learn from them, and preserve them. Whew…thats a lot of things to get out of photos. I could talk all day on that. So lets figure out what to do with all of the chaos and mess.

If your photos are that one project you get out once every so often, only to quickly box it back up because your house is now a mess…and you have no idea how to handle it…it’s time to take on the photos. Follow our blog everything about organizing at

  1. Where do you begin? The first thing is to decide can you handle the project yourself…or should you hire out. Personally if this was not my JOB …I would consider hiring a professional or consider partial DIY. It really is a lot, but it can be done! Lets start with the independent DIY person. You feel ready to handle the project on your own. Great! For that person, we would love to have a one time zoom session to help get you on your way.
  2. So you are a partial DIY’er… this is the perfect place to work a little on your project and still have us as a professional organizer help with part of your project.
  3. Hire a professional! We are glad to help. Lets get you scheduled with a consultation. I know how valuable your photos are. Lets set up an appointment and see what is best for your project. A professional can set you up with a plan and get your photos from the disorganization and mess of the photos above…to a stream lined scanned project, stored and ready to go. Sounds wonderful doesn’t it?

Either way you g,o the end result is to have the clutter turned into a neat and organized, searchable gallery of your family history. You can get as involved as you need to be…but the purpose is to provide perfect storage for your photos, take back your house, and preserve your history.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have your photos completely scanned and be able to throw that stack of unneeded albums away.Photo organization