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An Unexpected Journey

Some photographs are extra special. One recent photograph that came in led us on a fun and unexpected journey in the past. The photography immediately captred my attention due to the wonderful clothing style of the little girl. My curiosity and photo detective skills then took over. We knew the clothing estimated dates due to the style and went from there.
The back of the photo had a few overlooked clues too. We immediately thought our journey was leading us to Virginia. We were soon able to locate the house the little girl was from and later discovered the estimated dates of the postcard. Post cards tell a lot of information. Today, we do not look at a postcard and see the history and how they tranformed, but the old postcards transformed through the years and tells a story of historical important dates in the process.

Knowing the dates of the clothing and postcard led us to finding the little girls parents. We never expected the photo to come all the way back to our hometown. Both parents had parents from the area. Their parents were both immigrants to our area. One was one of the first Jewish immigrants and both were successful business men in the late 1800’s and were well thought of in the community.
My whole family ended the journey with me. We took a field trip to the cemetary of the little girls grandparents that were buried locally. I laugh at the thought of this. We arrived at the cemetary with thousands of tombstones. We had no idea where to begin. I picked one tombstone in the middle and said that is it. No I never thought it was it. I only had one photo to go off of. We finally made it to the tombstone and it was the tombstone we were looking for. The little girl’s father died maybe ten years after the photograph had been taken and the little girl grew up and ended up in Florida, where she was buried.

A story and family we never would have known about, but so glad we learned a little about her life an her family that helped in building this community long ago. We an honor to learn a little more about her story from some small clues in a picture.
We hope you enjoyed a glimpse into our photo world.
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