A New Year is often the time to make tremendous goals for the New Year (eeek…I try to think big picture on those).We all want to aim to achieve so much in the next year. Here’s the thing. Change requires starting somewhere. In losing my family to Covid..my goal because my family history. All of a sudden everyone had died and all we had left was a mountain of photo albums I knew nothing about. The goal seemed massive…and rightfully so..

Take the first step
Many are in the same boat I am in with loss of family. Maybe you haven't lost anyone but you have the same mountain of old photos. Take the first step. Get all the photos together. We would love to help you on this journey. The biggest reward, at the end of the day, is having my family history complete. This is something you can pass on to the rest of your family or enjoy for yourself. Seem overwhelming! I will not lie it is a big to do...but thats why we are here.
My current goal is to help others in what can be an overwhelming thing for many. As a photo organizer...I am here to help you save your family history. Schedule a consultation with us. We would love to help on this next journey.